Tenaris Bay City
Many Low Impact Development Practices were used, including bioretention, bioswales, vegetated structural roadway shoulders, permeable pavers and rainwater harvesting and reuse.
...For worry-free compliance assurance, we combine our SWPPP Implementation and Documentation services into a Compliance Assurance Program CAP for your site. By doing so, you’re able to effectively transfer the entire SWPPP compliance logistics burden from your shoulders to ours.
Your project’s Compliance Assurance Plan is provided from start-up and filing of the Notice of Intent (NOI) through final stabilization of the site and filing of the Notice of Termination (NOT). Your CAP consists of a comprehensive suite of services that assures compliance on your site.
Superintendents are burdened with new regulatory compliance requirements seemingly with the start of every new project. Dealing with them on a day-to-day basis is time consuming and it lowers productivity. Our focus on the stormwater compliance component of your project frees your Project Management and Supervisory personnel to focus on generating revenue (and staying on time and under budget) rather than being distracted, sidetracked and often unconsciously running up overhead dealing with the minutiae of compliance.
Our SWPPP business unit was created specifically to provide turnkey TPDES compliance solutions and we deliver those services to the leading General Contractors and Owners in this region. As a result we bring economies of scale, the cost savings inherent in repetitive action, and the focus offered by specialization to bear on your stormwater compliance obligations. The simple fact is that we can provide better compliance more cost-effectively than you can do it yourself.
Lower Costs
Unlike the other drawings in your plan set, the SWPPP drawings aren’t sacred. By law, they were made to be modified during the course of construction to fit the changing needs of the site. On site and on your side, we evaluate project sites to determine what temporary erosion controls are actually necessary to meet your regulatory obligations without wasting time, energy or money. When we find waste, we modify the SWPPP to reflect the realities of the site. In addition, our focus on TPDES/SWPPP issues means we’re qualified to make changes and it means we’re abreast of the latest methods and materials that can make your site controls more cost-effective.
Consistent application of a single set of compliance methods, materials and high visibility compliance components across all your sites pays many dividends. Among them is the ability to create awareness in the minds of regulatory compliance officers that your sites are uniformly and outstandingly compliant. Given their often overwhelming workload, compliance inspections at sites like yours become a low priority. We have proven strategies that can make that happen. Compliance officials win, you win, and the environment wins.
Risk Management
Hiring specialists to insure that full compliance with TPDES regulations is a certainty on every job site limits exposure to potentially devastating fines, possible imprisonment for company officers and the potentially damaging publicity associated with compliance related legal action. It also provides a cushion between you and the enforcement agency involved.
Our team is accountable for all stormwater compliance related issues at your sites. If there’s a problem, there’s no question about where to go for answers. No politics, no finger pointing, no gray areas, no excuses. As one old time Superintendent put it, we give you “one back to pat, one neck to wring.”
Latest Methods and Materials
We thrive on finding that unique new BMP product that drives down total costs and improves overall compliance, and we devote quite a bit of time and effort to doing so. We’ve introduced slice-inserted silt fence, under-grate area inlet IBPs, reusable curb inlet IPBs, synthetic hay bales, floculant infuse wattles and others filled with heavy-weight recycled tire chunks, and a variety of other new BMP products to Texas. It pays off for our clients in lower maintenance costs and greater confidence when the regulatory compliance officer stops by for a visit.
Just in Time – But Ahead of the Curve
As compliance enforcement ratchets up, the weight of the compliance burden grows. You only have other states where these regulations were localized several years ahead of Texas to see where we’re headed. Look at the history in other high visibility states. The time to implement a strategy that delivers consistent compliance is now.
A systematic approach, a reliable, experienced team that takes the SWPPP logistics burden off your shoulders, what could make your life more simple? One call. One point of contact. New project launches simplified. Compliance simplified. Compliance assured.
Expertise on Call
We make it our business to know what’s important to compliance officials and what’s not — and we’ll be there when you have questions, or when having the right relationship is important to resolving a problem.
We’ll provide you with a Request for Information (RFI) asking for the information required to complete your filing. On receipt of the information we’ll kick off the documentation process for your project. Then, we’ll:
A Special CAP Plan for LEED Green Buildings
Given the changing nuances of enforcement, the growing tangle of overlapping enforcement agencies and the stiff consequences for non-compliance, our SWPPP services business exists to serve construction activity Operators and Owners in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, and Ft Worth, by implementing a set of compliance services that cover all facets of SWPPP compliance.
Learn the top ten most important issues you should be concerned with regarding construction site stormwater discharge regulations on a federal, state and local level.
In addition:
With an understanding of the basics, and attention to detail, this top ten will go a long way towards insuring your project is compliant with stormwater regulations.
Many Low Impact Development Practices were used, including bioretention, bioswales, vegetated structural roadway shoulders, permeable pavers and rainwater harvesting and reuse.
...The LID solution nearly eliminate a detention pond and in the process gained three additional lots, or 15% more homes
...Utilizing a dry swale as the primary conveyance feature, the design team explored the various biofiltration medias available for filtering pollutants.
...The primary feature that makes Bagby Street a Greenroads design is a series of biofiltration planter boxes that line both sides of Bagby street and collect stormwater runoff, storing it and filtering...
Fire Department looks to the Construction EcoServices and Jacobs Engineering team to renovate their detention pond and bring it back to fully operational status.
...The Carrington Place Apartments layout did not offer any possible vacuum truck access to a feature located behind one of the buildings. As manually cleaning the type of SWQM feature would be fairly...
How did PowerBlock serve the function of a detention pond, drainage inlet and a water quality unit on this project?
...It was the flood water forces resulting from Hurricane Harvey that damaged both the hillside and building to the extent that the building needed to be closed.
...Many Low Impact Development Practices were used, including bioretention, bioswales, vegetated structural roadway shoulders, permeable pavers and rainwater harvesting and reuse.
...The LID solution nearly eliminate a detention pond and in the process gained three additional lots, or 15% more homes
...Utilizing a dry swale as the primary conveyance feature, the design team explored the various biofiltration medias available for filtering pollutants.
...The primary feature that makes Bagby Street a Greenroads design is a series of biofiltration planter boxes that line both sides of Bagby street and collect stormwater runoff, storing it and filtering...
Fire Department looks to the Construction EcoServices and Jacobs Engineering team to renovate their detention pond and bring it back to fully operational status.
...The Carrington Place Apartments layout did not offer any possible vacuum truck access to a feature located behind one of the buildings. As manually cleaning the type of SWQM feature would be fairly...
How did PowerBlock serve the function of a detention pond, drainage inlet and a water quality unit on this project?
...It was the flood water forces resulting from Hurricane Harvey that damaged both the hillside and building to the extent that the building needed to be closed.
...If the highest level of compliance while reducing risk and lowering costs is important to you, then let’s work together. Tell us about your upcoming project and what you are looking for.
We focus on our customer’s success by providing the most appropriate, cost-effective, innovative and effective solutions. With our ability to customize and problem solve, we feel our experience and expertise is the fundamental “product” our clients buy.
The FODS Trackout Control Mat was created as a simple solution to a common problem – construction companies were spending valuable time and money on ineffective, conventional trackout solutions like aggregate or wheel washes which still resulted in job site fines. Developed by an experienced team of contractors and engineers, the FODS Trackout Control Mats is the only durable, cost-saving, and environmentally friendly trackout solution available.
Established in 2002, we provide our clients a proven, systematic approach and a reliable experienced team that can take all compliance logistical burdens off your shoulders. What could make your life simpler? One call. One point of contact. New project launches simplified. Compliance simplified. Compliance assured.
Other key reasons to choose us:
If achieving the highest level of compliance while reducing risk and lowering costs is important to you, then let’s work together. We provide full turnkey stormwater management consulting and solutions. All field crew are OSHA 30 certified.
Tell us about your project and get a quick quote.
Stormwater management may seem like a relatively new industry, but it has actually been around since the Roman times. They knew, even back then, that managing stormwater runoff was a key issue to urban living. With poor stormwater management, both flooding and disease constantly wreaked havoc in ancient cities.
Not much has changed since then, except now, with more and more of the earth being covered over with cement and other impervious surfaces, the negative effects of poor stormwater management have increased exponentially. Our natural water supplies are at risk due to pollution and their lack of ability to recharge. The flowing of our waterways are at risk from erosion, sediment build up, and trash. And, our marine life is at risk, from all the chemicals finding their way into bodies of water.
Some may see stormwater management as just another unnecessary and unwanted cost to construction projects or property ownership and management. But, understanding the negative effects that poor or no stormwater management is causing should be a concern to us all. It affects where we live and play. It affects our marine-based food supply. It affects our dwindling water supply.
We care. It is why we do what we do.
While the rest of the country focused on treating one inch of rainfall, we were pushing the limits and learning how to manage the largest storms by using Low Impact Development (LID) / Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) solutions. We believed that if we could develop LID / GSI solutions in a place like Houston Texas, we could make them work anywhere.
Not only have we succeeded, but we have the the data, the case studies, and the experiences to prove it.
Since 2005, the team at Construction EcoServices and it’s partners around the country have dedicated their work to both the big discoveries and the small, that have drastically improved the performance and reliability of Low Impact Development. Collectively, they have been compiled here on this site, so that you may take advantage of the knowledge that has come from our success and failures.
They are the first call I make when I need cutting edge information on green infrastructure implementation options and resources and they have always been willing and able to help.
WT Byler trusts the knowledge and expertise of Construction EcoServices for Stormwater Compliance on our projects.
I believe I started using your firm back in 2004/05, and haven’t ever regretted that decision.
ECO is well organized, detailed-oriented and has remarkable responsiveness when service requests are needed. In all our diversity we depend highly on. ECO to maintain their responsibilities they have become one of our most valuable and dependable assets of our organization for over eight consecutive years.
They are the first call I make when I need cutting edge information on green infrastructure implementation options and resources and they have always been willing and able to help.
WT Byler trusts the knowledge and expertise of Construction EcoServices for Stormwater Compliance on our projects.
I believe I started using your firm back in 2004/05, and haven’t ever regretted that decision.
ECO is well organized, detailed-oriented and has remarkable responsiveness when service requests are needed. In all our diversity we depend highly on. ECO to maintain their responsibilities they have become one of our most valuable and dependable assets of our organization for over eight consecutive years.