We have curated some of the top news stories in the stormwater industry from this past month, as well as a few other items of interest. We appreciate you taking the time to read our ezine and hope that you find this stormwater related news as interesting and informative as we do.
The Construction EcoServices Staff
Green is Good 2020: An Eco-Friendly Plan for Businesses
With the new year approaching, it’s time to reflect on how to improve your business in the upcoming year. With new laws in place, like Connecticut’s 10-cent fee on single-use plastic bags, there is a high demand for going green. What are the benefits of becoming a green company?
Benefits of Taking Your Stormwater Training Online vs. Face-to-Face
How do you plan on completing your stormwater training in 2020? StormwaterONE lays out a pretty good case in this article for utilizing online training, stating that it is faster, easier, and more educational than going to a traditional face-to-face classroom. If you are a construction professional looking to get certified in stormwater training, find out whether online training is a good fit for you.
25 Facts About Stormwater and the MS4 Permit Program
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System (NPDES/SDS) MS4 permit is designed to protect our rivers, lakes and streams from polluted stormwater runoff. To get a better understanding of the program, MS4 water engineer specialist April Ryan shares some key facts about stormwater, stormwater pollution, permitting and MS4.
$228,000 in Fines Later, Legoland Construction Site Still Gets Shut Down
Have you been getting too relaxed with your SWPPP responsibilites? Just ask Legoland what happens when you do. The massive New York construction site was shut down by local regulators until Legoland is able to resolve the notable drainage issues resulting from the construction work. Runoff from the site has already led to at least 28 state Department of Environmental Conservation citations for polluting local waterways with construction mud since May 2018, plus multiple Town of Goshen citations (over $228,800 in regulatory fines).
$11.8 Million Dollar 27th Street Stormwater Interceptor Drainage Pipeline Project
Public safety, flooding, and water quality were the main concerns facing the City and County of Denver in the well-developed areas of Five Points, the Curtis Park neighborhood and RiNo Art District. Currently in this area, storm water runoff drains to the South Platte River at the over-burdened 36th Street Outfall, leading to flooding during storms. During excavation, shoring, and construction of the drainage pipeline, trackout and construction dust were a concern to surrounding streets and residences. How did they solve these issues?
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EcoServices’ Houston Stormwater Bus Tour 2020
It’s time again for another Construction EcoServices Bus Tour of some of Houston’s most unique stormwater projects. We’ll be touring numerous stormwater projects throughout Houston metro. This tour will feature visits to cutting-edge, in-the-ground projects, many featuring Low Impact Development (LID) solutions. This learning experience focuses on the construction, operations, maintenance and monitoring of real-world projects – but let’s not forget about the fun and networking.
FODS Trackout Getting Traction in Texas
Another flatbed delivery of FODS, this one going out to a large W.T. Byler project that has four exits. With FODS being durable, reusable, and easy to move as exits move, we are seeing the widespread acceptance of FODS throughout Texas. DPR, McCarthy, JE Dunn, and Slack & Co are among the other contractors who have started to use FODS on their projects. If you have yet to hear about FODS, read about this innovative product here.
Soil Production Trials Begin for the Upcoming Memorial Park Land Bridge & Prairie Project
Construction EcoServices is pleased to be supporting the Memorial Park Conservancy’s (MPC) Soil Production Trials for the upcoming Memorial Park Land Bridge & Prairie Project. CES provided site work spreading various mulch and compost mixtures, developed onsite by MPC; and Profile Products’ ProGanics Biotic Soil Media, on 30 sampling plots at the large soils stockpile. CES seeded all the plots with a select seed mix chosen by Memorial Park Conservancy in conjunction with the Wildlife Habitat Federation. We then applied Profile’s Flexterra Flexible Growth Medium to all plots, providing erosion control on the slopes during the test period, which will extend into the spring and summer seasons. Stay tuned for updates on this important aspect of the Memorial Park Master Plan!
Help Out the Park
For you Houstonians reading this, Memorial Park is your Park. Please take a few minutes and provide some feedback to the Memorial Park Conservancy about how you use, enjoy and experience Memorial Park. This feedback helps to guide the development of the Park’s features, offerings and programming. It’s #YourMemorialPark.
We offer stormwater consulting and value-engineering services, turnkey SWPPP compliance services during construction activity, erosion control solutions for slopes and channels, and post-construction compliance services for stormwater management systems for detention and stormwater quality treatment. Need help? Contact us today.