We have curated several informative and entertaining news stories from the stormwater industry, as well as a few other items of interest. We appreciate you taking the time to read our ezine and hope that you find this stormwater related information as interesting and informative as we do.
Until next month, please work safe and stay well.
The Construction EcoServices Staff
Stormwater News
New Research on Green Building Trends in the U.S.
With the impacts of climate change becoming more apparent in our everyday lives and having an increased impact on the built environment, the drive for green and resilient building has never been stronger in the U.S. While energy conservation continues to be a top approach to building green and use of renewable energy sources are a well-known strategy, in the past decade several new approaches to building green offer potential to improve the performance of the built environment. A new study published by Dodge Data & Analytics, in partnership with Carrier, Autodesk, the American Institute of Architects and the U.S. Green Building Council, reveals which of these strategies are gaining a foothold in the U.S. market and which are going to be more widely used in the future. The data also show how the U.S. compares with adoption of these strategies across the globe. Understanding the green building trends that will take hold in the near future in the U.S. can help companies plan for what to expect as projects continue to become greener.
2022 Construction General Permit (CGP)
This new EPA permit is valid only in the four states in which EPA still manages stormwater compliance. However, it is generally the precursor to the Texas General Permit (TGP) on it’s next renewal. The TCEQ will be issuing the next renewal of the TGP in March of 2023. While it may not be identical the new EPA permit linked above, it will likely be very close.
Dropping By #62: 2022 Outlook with Seth Brown of NMSA
Storm Water Solutions
In this episode of Dropping By, Katie Johns, Managing Editor of Storm Water Solutions, is joined by Seth Brown, Executive Director of the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance. The two discuss the 2022 outlook for the industry and regulations to look out for and more.
Proposing a New Definition of ‘Green Infrastructure’
Despite their varying conceptions of what GI is and is not, more than half of municipal plans analyzed for the study specifically listed trees, rain gardens, blue-green corridors, and green roofs as examples. In total, the 122 municipal plans referenced 693 unique GI designs between them, indicating significant variability surrounding interpretations of the term’s meaning across U.S. cities.
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Featured Project
Memorial Park’s Land Bridge
The Chevron Houston Marathon 2022 marks debut of Memorial Park tunnels as part of runners’ route
The tunnels built for Memorial Park’s Land Bridge are scheduled to open this spring to traffic. Runners with the Chevron Houston Marathon will get a sneak peek this Sunday. Eyewitness News learned the south tunnel will be used as part of the race. Randy Odinet with the Memorial Park Conservancy said with construction on track, they thought about the idea with the Houston Marathon Committee. They looked into it and found out it was possible.
Construction EcoServices is providing the majority of stabilization work on this project.
Company Product News
The FocalPoint Biofiltration System Attains NJCAT Verification and NJDEP Certification
January 6, 2022
The process to attain NJCAT verification and NJDEP certification for the FocalPoint System required laboratory testing to NJDEPs Lab Filter Protocol. Alden labs was retained by Convergent Water Technologies to carry out this detailed laboratory testing. We are pleased to announce the FocalPoint system is now an NJCAT verified and NJDEP certified technology, meeting the standards for 80% TSS removal and green infrastructure. FocalPoint was developed by Convergent Water Technologies and sold through our Convergent Value Added Reseller Network.

Coming Events
2022 IECA 50th Anniversary Annual Conference & Expo
2.14 – 2.18
The IECA Annual Conference and Expo brings together the industry’s most innovative minds in the erosion and sediment control and storm water industry. Attend this one-of-a-kind conference to connect with thousands of colleagues from over 25 countries, engage in cutting-edge educational sessions while earning professional development hours and access one of the largest expo halls in the industry. Learn more about the host city, Minneapolis, Minnesota and the Minneapolis Convention Center.
2022 Texas ASLA Conference. in San Antonio,
4.19 – 4.21
If the past few years have underlined anything, it’s that the landscape of the world is changing ever more rapidly — with and without our influence. Shifts in global, political, and social climates are garnering more attention than ever, and our role in shaping the human-landscape interface grows in complexity. At this year’s Texas ASLA Conference. in San Antonio, we celebrate all the paths to a strong and healthy tomorrow.
Upend (verb): To stand, set, or turn on one end; To change direction.
Get PEUs
Construction EcoServices Lunch & Learns
At Your Convenience
If you and your team would like to learn more about any of the wide variety of stormwater related topics, schedule a LUNCH & LEARN today. We can discuss with your team anything from our turnkey compliance services during construction activity to our post-construction stormwater management systems; or our stormwater quality treatment to our erosion and sediment control solutions. Learn some key information while also earning yourself a PEU. Here are a few common LUNCH & LEARN topics we discuss with our clients:
- Cost-Effective Low Impact Development
- Sustainable Site Design Solutions
- Underground Detention Options
- Rainwater Harvesting Answers
- Erosion Control Issues & Answers
- Traditional SWQ Treatment Systems
- High Performance Bioretention & Biofiltration
- SWQMP or SWPPP Documents & Compliance Services
Stormwater Facts
- Due to hard surfaces like pavement and rooftops, a typical city block generates five times more runoff than a woodland area of the same size.
- Over the last 20 years, the rate of land development has been twice the rate of population growth.
- 16 times more stormwater runoff is produced by a one acre parking lot than is produced by a meadow of the same size.
- At least 50% of the water quality problems in the U.S. result from stormwater runoff.
- Approximately 70% of all storm drains lead directly to rivers, lakes and estuaries and are never treated.
- Five quarts of used motor oil can create an oil slick two football fields in size.
- Yard fertilizer runoff from residential areas is estimated to be responsible for 33% of the excess nitrogen polluting our waterways.
- The first inch of runoff generally carries 90% of the pollution from a storm.
Got a Project? Get in Touch!
Let’s Talk
We offer stormwater consulting and value-engineering services, turnkey SWPPP compliance services during construction activity, erosion control solutions for slopes and channels, and post-construction compliance services for stormwater management systems for detention and stormwater quality treatment. Need help? Contact us today.